Is The Counselling Chair You Sit On Anchoring Your Negative Feelings?

The counselling chair can become an anchor for negative emotions imageWhen you go to see a counsellor, and let’s face it everyone does these days, you get the chance to tell someone about the problems you have in your life. Initially, counselling can be a wonderful way to relieve the burden and stress you feel, but how about the long term effects?

I’ve heard so many people who have received counselling tell me that after the initial high of feeling listened to they seemed to relive the same problem over and over again. In fact, when you talk about your problems over time they get worse. The counselling chair you sit on becomes an anchor the very sight of which may remind you of your problems. Continue reading “Is The Counselling Chair You Sit On Anchoring Your Negative Feelings?”

The Healing Codes Make You Feel As If Spring Has Sprung

Healing Codes imageThe Healing Codes really do provide unexpected benefits!

A friend asked me about The Healing Codes and how they work. I offered her two treatments for free. She arrived at my practice here in Patcham, Brighton having had years of counselling. She was excited about her Healing Codes session but still had reservations about something, seemingly so simple, haven’t much of a healing effect. She was in for a surprise! Continue reading “The Healing Codes Make You Feel As If Spring Has Sprung”

The Healing Codes Allow Your Immune System To Work In Perfect Harmony

EFT offers core emotional healingThe greatest healing system on the planet

There is one thing on this planet that can heal just about any health issue in your life. This system is your immune system. When it’s working in perfect harmony you will be healthy. The problem is that this wonderful system is susceptible to stress. Stress can slow down and often cause our immune system to run at a low level.

A word about stress

According to the highly respected cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, 95% of illness and disease is caused by stress. He adds that “the remaining 5% is genetic and was caused by stress somewhere in the ancestry of the person.” Continue reading “The Healing Codes Allow Your Immune System To Work In Perfect Harmony”

Are you limiting your healing potential?

About EFTI’m often asked what I can heal people of, or what my success rate is. My answer to this is ‘I don’t heal anyone and the success rate is not mine. It doesn’t and never will belong to me’. What’s more, if someone tells you that they can heal your issue then they are coming from ego and your potential for healing will be limited.

As EFT therapists we don’t heal anyone. We may think we do and go around wearing our high success rate like a badge of honour. If we do this we are missing an opportunity for our own growth as a therapist and more importantly for our clients healing. Continue reading “Are you limiting your healing potential?”

…And The Dyslexia’s Gone

after using eft the dyslexia is goneWinston, one of my wife’s massage clients expressed an interest in EFT. He asked if it would work on Dyslexia – a problem that he felt had held him back for much of his life. I explained a little bit about how EFT works and he booked a session.

During the session he told me that he had so many fears around reading and he couldn’t remember a time when he had been able to read without having the Dyslexia issue. Continue reading “…And The Dyslexia’s Gone”

You Can Access The Subconscious Mind Through The Emotions

we learn how to be an adult in childhoodUsing energy therapies like EFT and Matrix Reimprinting you can access the subconscious mind through the emotions. The subconscious mind stores patterns and beliefs that were learned a long time ago and runs the show. You can use the conscious mind to focus on positive thoughts but that takes so much effort and is in fact impossible, once you are ‘off-guard’ your subconscious mind will kick-in again.

As humans we are endowed with the ability to download large amounts of information to our memory. According to cell biologist Dr Bruce Lipton ‘Ongoing research suggests that a key understanding of how this rapid downloading of information works is the brain’s fluctuating electrical activity as measured by electroencephalograms (or EEGs). EEGs are basically ‘head pictures’ that reveal a graded range of activity of our brains. Continue reading “You Can Access The Subconscious Mind Through The Emotions”

If Counselling Doesn’t Get To The Root Cause, What Does?

EFT offers core emotional healingWhen things go wrong in our lives one of the first things many of us do is look for a counsellor. Counselling can be of help but is it the only alternative out there?

Brighton is full of counselling services, you only have to google the words ‘counselling brighton’ to come up with a list of counsellors. It’s good to talk, but do counselling sessions always go to the root of the problem? Continue reading “If Counselling Doesn’t Get To The Root Cause, What Does?”