…And The Dyslexia’s Gone

after using eft the dyslexia is goneWinston, one of my wife’s massage clients expressed an interest in EFT. He asked if it would work on Dyslexia – a problem that he felt had held him back for much of his life. I explained a little bit about how EFT works and he booked a session.

During the session he told me that he had so many fears around reading and he couldn’t remember a time when he had been able to read without having the Dyslexia issue. Continue reading “…And The Dyslexia’s Gone”

You Can Access The Subconscious Mind Through The Emotions

we learn how to be an adult in childhoodUsing energy therapies like EFT and Matrix Reimprinting you can access the subconscious mind through the emotions. The subconscious mind stores patterns and beliefs that were learned a long time ago and runs the show. You can use the conscious mind to focus on positive thoughts but that takes so much effort and is in fact impossible, once you are ‘off-guard’ your subconscious mind will kick-in again.

As humans we are endowed with the ability to download large amounts of information to our memory. According to cell biologist Dr Bruce Lipton ‘Ongoing research suggests that a key understanding of how this rapid downloading of information works is the brain’s fluctuating electrical activity as measured by electroencephalograms (or EEGs). EEGs are basically ‘head pictures’ that reveal a graded range of activity of our brains. Continue reading “You Can Access The Subconscious Mind Through The Emotions”

If Counselling Doesn’t Get To The Root Cause, What Does?

EFT offers core emotional healingWhen things go wrong in our lives one of the first things many of us do is look for a counsellor. Counselling can be of help but is it the only alternative out there?

Brighton is full of counselling services, you only have to google the words ‘counselling brighton’ to come up with a list of counsellors. It’s good to talk, but do counselling sessions always go to the root of the problem? Continue reading “If Counselling Doesn’t Get To The Root Cause, What Does?”