Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

About EFTEFT involves tapping with ones fingertips on energy points that lie on the same meridian lines used in acupuncture. It takes into account Einstein’s theory that the world and everything in it is energy, even our thoughts. Therefore when you work with the body at an energetic level deep healing takes place.

Emotions are the key to health

Sometimes negative life events or life situations cause disruptions in our body’s energy system. Over time this can lead to physical pain, disease or mental illness. When we are in touch with our emotions and express how we feel while tapping on the EFT energy points we are able to release the emotions we feel about the issue. This leads us to the original event or events that caused the energy disruption in the first place. Once the emotional charge is gone and we are able to talk about the issue as if it happened to someone else, the issue won’t bother us anymore.

EFT allows us to tap into the subconscious mind

Children download things so quickly and they learn so fast. If you observe a child you will notice that they experience life events at a deeper level than the adults around them. In early childhoood we are first in the Delta brainwave state, then in the Theta brainwave state. These states are extremely suggestive and are used in hypnotherapy, in fact, according to cell biologist Bruce Lipton, until the age of six years old we download life events and learned behaviour patterns straight into our subconscious minds.

John Blosse runs a busy EFT and Energy Therapy practice in Brighton and also offers therapy session via Skype and over the phone. John says…

“In over 90% of my clients, the issue that we are working on has it’s roots in childhood and usually before the age of six. By the time they are adult the original life event that caused the energy disruption has snowballed into a much bigger problem in their lives. EFT allows us to peel away the emotional layers until the core issue reveals itself and ceases to be a problem.

I have seen an increased number of people using EFT here in Brighton. Clients benefit most when they take responsibility for their own recovery. Between EFT sessions I show them techniques they can work on at home. They work on themselves every day until the problem ceases to affect their lives.

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