The Healing Codes Allow Your Immune System To Work In Perfect Harmony

EFT offers core emotional healingThe greatest healing system on the planet

There is one thing on this planet that can heal just about any health issue in your life. This system is your immune system. When it’s working in perfect harmony you will be healthy. The problem is that this wonderful system is susceptible to stress. Stress can slow down and often cause our immune system to run at a low level.

A word about stress

According to the highly respected cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, 95% of illness and disease is caused by stress. He adds that “the remaining 5% is genetic and was caused by stress somewhere in the ancestry of the person.”

Even the US Federal Government confirms that ‘90% of all illness and disease is related to stress’.

Too much stress for too long creates chronic stress. It puts the immune system in a state of fight or flight, a state where all growth, repair and healing is stopped. Chronic stress not only causes disease, it affects us emotionally and impairs our enjoyment of life.

Stress at cellular level

When we are under stress our cells literally close up. They go into survival mode. The cells slow their elimination of waste products and toxins. They don’t receive enough oxygen, nutrition and minerals. Everything stops except what is necessary to survive. This is how chronic stress leads to genetic disease and illness. Research from Stanford University revealed that cells that are open and in growth are literally impervious to disease and illness.

We have a sympathetic nervous system is to protect and save our lives when we perceive danger. The problem is today many of us are in an almost continual state of fight or flight.

Illness is caused by insufficient energy at a cellular level

Illness is caused by insufficient energy at a cellular level. During fight or flight, as the cells shut down to conserve energy, oxygen and vital nutrients fail to get in. The Mitochondria – the cells power plants – are being starved. A cell has to have oxygen and it has to be able to get rid of waste from the cell. Our bodies protect themselves from traumatic memories by suppressing them which requires a huge amount of energy and creates a great deal of stress which tires out cells and is responsible for chronic pain and health problems.

The Healing Codes only Work on stress

The Healing Codes heal the issues of the heart. When we think about a memory that causes us to feel stress we will feel that stress somewhere in our body. Using The Healing Codes we can pray to the universe for help, then use the opposite frequency of the stress to eliminate it – we can use love. Staying in the heart and offering and receiving love and using The Healing Codes each day will help reduce the stress you feel.