Healing Codes Workshop in Patcham

Jack and Anne Stewart Brighton Healing Codes WorkshopOn September 28th there will be a Healing Codes workshop here in Patcham, Brighton with Jack and Anne Stewart. For those who have never tried The Healing Codes and intend coming along, you will be in for a treat. The Healing Codes work and if used regularly, will have a dramatic impact on your life.

The main principle is the effect of love on stress. By this I mean that it’s universal law that one opposite cancels out another. When we focus on an issue that is causing us stress, ask for higher guidance and help to heal the issue, then focus on love we can gently and naturally dissolve the stress and the issue falls away.

At a Healing Codes workshop we learn how to find the stress and how to grade that stress to understand the impact of the issue in our live right now.  Then we recite a prayer (nothing strictly religious) to ask for universal helps 100 fold. We then focus on sending love out to a person (or anything we like, such as a favourite pet) and receiving love back from them, while holding four healing energy points – thirty seconds each point. The healing points send energy to every system in our body.

If you would like to attend this workshop then phone 01684 439 397 or visit www.thehealingcodes.co.uk