You Can Access The Subconscious Mind Through The Emotions

we learn how to be an adult in childhoodUsing energy therapies like EFT and Matrix Reimprinting you can access the subconscious mind through the emotions. The subconscious mind stores patterns and beliefs that were learned a long time ago and runs the show. You can use the conscious mind to focus on positive thoughts but that takes so much effort and is in fact impossible, once you are ‘off-guard’ your subconscious mind will kick-in again.

As humans we are endowed with the ability to download large amounts of information to our memory. According to cell biologist Dr Bruce Lipton ‘Ongoing research suggests that a key understanding of how this rapid downloading of information works is the brain’s fluctuating electrical activity as measured by electroencephalograms (or EEGs). EEGs are basically ‘head pictures’ that reveal a graded range of activity of our brains.

We learn how to be an adult in childhood

Dr Rima E. Laibow explains the progression of developmental stages in Quantitive EEGs and Neurofeedback. She says that between birth and the age of two years old the human brain operates in the Delta brainwave state, the stage with the lowest EEG frequencies. At the age of two toddlers enter the Theta brainwave state and stay in this state until the age of six years old.

Of the five brainwave states Delta and Theta are the most suggestible to programming outside information and are often used by hypnotherapists. In fact, until we reach the age of six there is evidence to suggest that learned behaviour, in the form of behaviours and beliefs go straight into the subconscious mind, providing the basis of how we view the world for the rest of our lives (unless we change these beliefs).

We can become emotional about our beliefs

As we grow our beliefs get stronger and hardwired along neurological pathways. We become emotional when our beliefs are challenged, observe a typical football fan and tell him your team is better than his, or go to a religious group and explain why you feel a different group may be better for them to follow. Our beliefs are so strong in childhood because they were suggested to us by those we thought of as our Gods – mainly our parents. Our parents and teachers and whoever else it was were acting from their own limited belief system. Of course, not everything we learned was bad or wrong it was how perceived things that may have caused us to develop the seeds of something that would grow into a ‘negative tree’.

So, what we become emotional about will lead us to the core issue. The EFT tapping points follow the same energy meridians as acupuncture points. When you tap on these points and get emotional about the issue you are working on you are asking the subconscious mind to give permission to the body to let it go. Tap on a few negative trees and the whole forest will fall.