If Counselling Doesn’t Get To The Root Cause, What Does?

EFT offers core emotional healingWhen things go wrong in our lives one of the first things many of us do is look for a counsellor. Counselling can be of help but is it the only alternative out there?

Brighton is full of counselling services, you only have to google the words ‘counselling brighton’ to come up with a list of counsellors. It’s good to talk, but do counselling sessions always go to the root of the problem?

Emotional healing takes you straight to the core

Deep healing takes place at an emotional level. Therefore, it stands to reason that by working out how we feel about an issue, then finding a way of releasing that emotion when it arises we can dissolve the issue.

To quote Gary Craig, the creator of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.” We need to balance the energy system as well as work on the problem that affects us, otherwise core healing cannot take place.

Are you suffering from stress overload?

Stress is at the heart of any issue – mental, emotional or physical. Too much stress affects our bodies. It affects us at a cellular level. When we go into emergency or fight or flight mode our cells become starved of oxygen and energy. If this happens too often they become toxic and illness occurs. Our immune system’s stop working temporarily and so when we are under stress we have no defence against bacteria and viruses.

We may not be able escape all stress but we can eliminate stress overload. The thoughts we think cause stress and eventually make us sick. We can change our beliefs and discover new positive perspectives by looking at our issues, unravelling them emotionally and letting go of the negative emotional charge – the reason we get the stress in the first place.