…And The Dyslexia’s Gone

after using eft the dyslexia is goneWinston, one of my wife’s massage clients expressed an interest in EFT. He asked if it would work on Dyslexia – a problem that he felt had held him back for much of his life. I explained a little bit about how EFT works and he booked a session.

During the session he told me that he had so many fears around reading and he couldn’t remember a time when he had been able to read without having the Dyslexia issue.

I asked him if he would be able to read from a book right now and he said he didn’t want to. I asked him what he was feeling and he said he felt fear. He graded it on a scale between 0 and 10 and he was an 8, so we did some EFT tapping on his fear. I explained to him that it was important to accept the fear and not push it away or fight it. That the fear is there and we are saying that ‘I have this fear yet I am still fine’.

After only one round of tapping he reached over, picked the book up from the table and began to read. He stopped after a few lines and said that the words were moving and he felt scared

I said that we could come back to the reading later if he wanted to. When asked where he felt the fear, he told me he felt it in his stomach. So, we tapped on the fear in his stomach. He told me that his fear level was now about three on the scale between 0 and 10.

I asked him if he could relate the fear he felt in his stomach to a specific event in the past. He said that when he was eight years old he was in school and had to read in front of the class. He told me he felt the fear again in his stomach and we tapped on the fear until it was gone.

He then told me that he had been terrified of his father as a child and still was, and that he felt scared whenever he was around him. 

Then he said that he had a secret that he had never shared with anyone else. He told me that was going to say it now because he felt safe enough to do so.

After Winstone told me the secret, and we used EFT tapping as he spoke,  he cried. He cried for sometime, then told me that on the scale between 0 and 10 he was 0. 

He wanted to read again so I passed him the book. He read from the beginning and past the point where he had previously got stuck and had almost completed the whole paragraph when he stopped and said that he could never remember reading so well. 

A few weeks later I received a call from Winston’s partner. She enquired about EFT. When I asked her how Winstone was she said matter-of-factly “Oh, he’s great. He’s reading all the time now – the Dyslexia’s completely gone.”