The Healing Power Of Purring Cats

healing power of cats imageHaving grown up with four cats I’ve always loved the sound of cats purring. Recently I found out that they had healing powers as well.

Cat’s purr within a range of 20 – 140 Hertz which, as the diagram below shows, can be beneficial to humans. Cat purring has been linked to a reduction in stress, heart disease and strengthening broken bones. Animal planet’s website even suggests that people with cats live longer than those without. Continue reading “The Healing Power Of Purring Cats”

It Makes Sense To Work From The Heart

Heart Energy ImageIt is a true saying that ‘the heart knows’. It makes sense to work with someone who encourages us to work from the heart. The electrical impulse of the heart is 40 – 60 times stronger than that of the brain. In fact, it has the strongest electrical impulse in the body and can be measured a distance of at least three feet away from the body.

Our hearts are where our real feelings lie. Continue reading “It Makes Sense To Work From The Heart”