The Healing Power Of Purring Cats

healing power of cats imageHaving grown up with four cats I’ve always loved the sound of cats purring. Recently I found out that they had healing powers as well.

Cat’s purr within a range of 20 – 140 Hertz which, as the diagram below shows, can be beneficial to humans. Cat purring has been linked to a reduction in stress, heart disease and strengthening broken bones. Animal planet’s website even suggests that people with cats live longer than those without. Continue reading “The Healing Power Of Purring Cats”

The Healing Codes Make You Feel As If Spring Has Sprung

Healing Codes imageThe Healing Codes really do provide unexpected benefits!

A friend asked me about The Healing Codes and how they work. I offered her two treatments for free. She arrived at my practice here in Patcham, Brighton having had years of counselling. She was excited about her Healing Codes session but still had reservations about something, seemingly so simple, haven’t much of a healing effect. She was in for a surprise! Continue reading “The Healing Codes Make You Feel As If Spring Has Sprung”

The Healing Codes Allow Your Immune System To Work In Perfect Harmony

EFT offers core emotional healingThe greatest healing system on the planet

There is one thing on this planet that can heal just about any health issue in your life. This system is your immune system. When it’s working in perfect harmony you will be healthy. The problem is that this wonderful system is susceptible to stress. Stress can slow down and often cause our immune system to run at a low level.

A word about stress

According to the highly respected cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, 95% of illness and disease is caused by stress. He adds that “the remaining 5% is genetic and was caused by stress somewhere in the ancestry of the person.” Continue reading “The Healing Codes Allow Your Immune System To Work In Perfect Harmony”