Is There An Alternative To Counselling?

alternative photoWhenever there’s a crisis in their lives many people in Brighton turn to counselling for help. It’s our experience that counselling certainly helps and people who have come to us from Brighton and the surrounding area have confirmed this. However, many of them have also revealed that they feel counselling hasn’t helped them long term and in fact, after a while they feel like they are just going around in circles.

It’s good to talk to someone about our issues and counselling allows us to do just that. There are a lot of counsellors in Brighton. Many people chose a counsellor either because they have been recommended or because they don’t understand that there are other alternatives out there.

So what happens during a counselling session?

You talk about your problem and you feel listened to and the very fact that you have shared how you feel makes you feel better. Your counsellor may help you to find different perspectives as you start to look into the reasons why this situation has happened to you and why you are feeling the way you do.

You may have been going to a counsellor for months or even years but still experience the issue you originally came to work on at some level. You may be suffering from deep trauma, whether recent or something that happened a long time ago. After spending time and money you may still feel like the issue is stopping you from moving on with your life. This has been the experience of many of my clients here in Brighton.

So, what are the alternatives and do they work?

When we work on an emotional level and are able to release negative emotions we become issue free. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an Energy Therapy and was created by Gary Craig in the 1990’s. EFT allows you to access negative emotions by tapping with ones fingertips on energy points as you focus on the stress of the problem. The tapping sends a signal to the brain that it’s ok to let the issue go and brings the body’s energy system back into balance.

EFT is a unique form of emotional healing. During sessions the layers of the problem are quickly unveiled and the core issue revealed – the emotional charge is taken out of the issue.

EFT has its roots in kinesiology and incorporates acupressure points, NLP modalities and energy therapy and has evolved into a complete therapy in its own right. It is backed by much scientific based evidence and EFT therapists are reporting a high client success rate. This is because when we use the EFT method we are in tune with the laws of the universe.

Another therapy technique that has become popular over the years are The Healing Codes. Dr Alex Loyd PHD and Healing Codes creator gave up a successful Psychology practice to ‘test’ The Healing Codes on a wide range of people. The results were remarkable! The Healing Codes involve feeling the stress from the issue that bothers you, universal prayer and holding energy points while focusing on universal love.

When we work from the heart and focus on how we feel without having to give our entire life story we heal. We think with the brain yet feel and heal from the heart.