There Is No Such Thing As Ego

Memories photoThere is no such thing as ego. We are perfect yet full of memories that affect our lives and form our personalities. We speak through our memories. If we didn’t have those memories we would speak with universal kindness or through The Divine.

The idea that we have an ego or even an alter ego is a concept that has been given weight to by those who like to complicate things. The Universal Laws of our world are simple, the reasons why are simple and the answers are also simple:

We are perfect souls and part of the Universal Divine
We picked up memories, like viruses and lost connection to who really are
We can dissolve memories by owning our part in the memories and appealing to something greater than ourselves with Love

We don’t need scientific formulas or follow psychological patterns we just need to remember who we really are. We are perfect souls who believe a load of memories that take us away from our true selves.