If We Knew What We Needed We Would Have Healed By Now

silly faceWhen we go for counselling we talk about our problems and the counsellor mirrors us and feeds back what we have said. The problem is we can talk all we like but unless we are work energetically we will go round in circles. And our counsellor will follow us!

The counsellor can reframe but they can only reframe from what the client has said using their logical brain. The client is not working energetically and so it is as if they are not looking up for inspiration but to their own logical brain. The counsellor has little to go on until he or she knows how to work energetically. Continue reading “If We Knew What We Needed We Would Have Healed By Now”

EFT Works And I Don’t Need To Know How

EFT worksI don’t know how EFT works and neither do I need to know. We can talk about neurotransmitters and brainwaves but these are just words to me. I know EFT works. There is an inner wisdom that knows and is something we all have.

If we tap and are thinking about the external process the internal process is lost. The connection within that says ‘trust me’ has to be established for healing and we need to quieten the mind.

When we connect to our inner wisdom we put our faith in something higher. When we acknowledge we need healing from an issue and accept and allow we are open to universal magic. Continue reading “EFT Works And I Don’t Need To Know How”

Therapy At Hove Stressbusters

hovestressbusters imageIf you live in Hove there is a good chance you may have heard of Hove Stressbusters. We (I’m a member as well) are a group of therapists who offer an insight into our chosen therapies on the first Wednesday of each month.

There are talks and demos and tea and biscuits. I always come away haven’t learnt something new and what’s more, the talks and demos are filled with fun – in my opinion the best way to learn.

So, if you’re free and feel like coming along you can find out more at www.hovestressbusters.co.uk

Is There An Alternative To Counselling?

alternative photoWhenever there’s a crisis in their lives many people in Brighton turn to counselling for help. It’s our experience that counselling certainly helps and people who have come to us from Brighton and the surrounding area have confirmed this. However, many of them have also revealed that they feel counselling hasn’t helped them long term and in fact, after a while they feel like they are just going around in circles.

Continue reading “Is There An Alternative To Counselling?”

Feel The Stress Then Let It Go

Man squeezing stress ballSome people think that focusing on the stress of an issue is wrong and can even be harmful but Is this true?

Allowing yourself to focus on any stress you feel doesn’t reinforce the stress as many people think, it allows you to feel it so that you can get rid of it.

I have a friend, who puts her fingers in her ears if we move onto the subject of illness, “I don’t want to surround myself with negative people and negative thoughts,” she says, as if her own illness will miraculously go away by focusing on something nice instead. Continue reading “Feel The Stress Then Let It Go”

EFT offer in Brighton and Hove from Hove Stressbusters

If you would like to try EFT and live in Brighton or Hove (or the surrounding area), we’re offering one session or a series of four sessions at 30% off as part of the Hove Stressbusters community. There are a number of other therapies on offer from the voucher below…..


hovestressbusters deal


Hove Stressbusters are a community of like-minded therapists from Brighton, Hove and other parts of Sussex who have come together to offer talks and affordable treatments and workshops. Talks on Yoga, Mindfullness, NLP, EFT and many more are offered by experienced practitioners. They are fun, inspiring and include useful exercises.

For information about Hove Stressbusters visit http://www.hovestressbusters.co.uk/ For more on EFT visit: http://www.alternative2counselling.co.uk/emotional-freedom-technique-eft/

The Healing Power Of Purring Cats

healing power of cats imageHaving grown up with four cats I’ve always loved the sound of cats purring. Recently I found out that they had healing powers as well.

Cat’s purr within a range of 20 – 140 Hertz which, as the diagram below shows, can be beneficial to humans. Cat purring has been linked to a reduction in stress, heart disease and strengthening broken bones. Animal planet’s website even suggests that people with cats live longer than those without. Continue reading “The Healing Power Of Purring Cats”

It Makes Sense To Work From The Heart

Heart Energy ImageIt is a true saying that ‘the heart knows’. It makes sense to work with someone who encourages us to work from the heart. The electrical impulse of the heart is 40 – 60 times stronger than that of the brain. In fact, it has the strongest electrical impulse in the body and can be measured a distance of at least three feet away from the body.

Our hearts are where our real feelings lie. Continue reading “It Makes Sense To Work From The Heart”